Friday, January 23, 2009

An Update

Well, this is pretty much what my past 48 hours have consisted of. Reading, watching movies and sleeping. Nick has been a great care taker and I've barely had to do anything for myself. He's such a great husband :)

I had my laparoscopy on Thursday around 2pm and everything went well. I had never been under general anaesthetic before, so that was definitely an interesting experience for me. The anaesthesiologist told me when he was going to give me the different medications through the IV, and it was a really wierd feeling to suddenly feel dizzy, then get really really sleepy. Though I did make it to the count of 12 before I dozed off. Next thing I know it's 2 1/2 hours later and I'd been in recovery for a half an hour. I guess my doctor had come in and talked to me for a minute and even shown me some pictures from the scope, but I don't really remember it. I was still pretty hazy then. At this point I don't know much about what they saw but they did say that my right ovary isn't formed normally (it was quite interesting for them to see....gee thanks) and that's where the pain is coming from. The explanation was pretty vague though. I go in to get my sutures removed in a few days and my doctor will explain everything at that point and let me know what needs to be done. So now it's just more waiting.

The two incisions are quite small, but they are pretty sore and have some bruising. But the worst part has been from the leftover carbon dioxide that they filled my abdomen with. They get rid of most of it, but it's common for your chest and shoulders to feel quite sore due to remainder in there. The pressure on my ribs and shoulders felt like I was in a car accident and had whip lash, it even hurt to breathe! But today was a lot better than yesterday so I'm hoping by tomorrow, that that part of it will have gone away totally. They also intubated me to help me breathe while I was asleep, so my throat has been really sore from the tube. It feels like I constantly need to cough, that there's a scratch just stuck in my throat. But all in all, I'm feeling better each day, and there's really not much to complain about. Thanks everyone for your comments and for thinking of me :)

Right before the surgery. I wonder why I looked so happy? Maybe because of the sweet hospital gown and robe I'm wearing? I know, I'm so stylish.

After the surgery, when I was still a little hazy from the anaesthetic. Looking a little rough....


the fellers said...

I am glad it all went well, oh gee, I cant wait to hear what they have to say about it...sorry about the shoulders, that was the worst part for me, so are you gonna go to work on Monday?

Carrie said...

I have Monday off, I'm going back Tuesday. I think I'll be fine by then.

Anonymous said...

Hey Care, just checking in to say hi and glad everything went well. I hope you get feeling better very soon.
Love ya!

DJ said...

I'm so glad you posted with an update Carrie -- I've been thinking of you alot since Thursday and hoping so much that you aren't feeling too awful through your recovery. Hang in there. I'll be thinking of you. Love you!

Ellen said...

I just read your two posts, glad that you seem to be recovering! My mom has had multiple laparoscopies, she hated the carbon monoxide too! I hope that they will figure out what the problem is and how to fix it! Good for you for not letting the situation go, no one should have to live with pain like that! take care :)