Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2 days

Surgery sounds like a scary word, but when it's only a day surgery and they aren't really operating on something it's not so scary. I hope. I think mostly I'm trying to not let myself get nervous about it. So, I'm going to try to make a really long story short and spare you all the history and boring details.

I'm going to be a little candid about my personal situation, I hope no one minds or feels like I'm giving Too Much Info. For about the past three years, sporadically, I've been having abdominal/back pain. It's like the stabbing sort of feeling you get when you run really hard and long, and suddenly get a cramp and have to stop and keel over for a minute or two. The past year my sporadic pains have turned into a consistent monthly event, lasting hours and never on a predictable basis. At the very beginning of all this, an ultrasound showed that I had a couple small cysts on my ovaries, but medication got rid of them, and every followup appointment has shown no return of them. Since the pain has not gone away (and can be INTENSE) I've been to the doctor quite a few times. I've had blood tests, ultrasounds and many a time felt like an idiot when the doctor told me nothing is wrong. On one hand, I feel like I'm a wuss and need to just buck up and deal with the pain that could be due to something simple like ovulation. On the other hand, why the heck am I having crazy pains all the time?! I don't want to be a big pill popper, but sometimes, it's the only thing I can do to get through the day. Robax Platinum has become a close friend of mine. Obviously there is something wrong.

I'm not doing a very good job at making this a short story am I?... ANYWAYS after quite a few frustrating months I asked to be referred to a specialist to get another opinion. I met with a great doctor, and he wants to do a laparoscopy to see what or if there's anything going on. So on Thursday I am heading to the hospital to have my first remembered hospital experience (since my only other one was when I was really little). I have to be put under general anaesthetic, then they'll make two small incisions in my abdomen and fill my stomach with carbon dioxide. They'll put a tiny tube/camera in there, and just take a look. Unless they happen to find something like endometriosis, and then they would laser remove some of the scar tissue if that's the problem. Interesting, huh? So most likely not much of a surgery, but I do get "put under", do get cut with a scalpel, and do come home with a few stitches.

So expect another post with me complaining about how it hurts to move my stomach over the next few days. Well, I probably won't be complaining because I'm glad this is happening. I'm glad to finally be taking a step to figure out what these stabbing pains are. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck :)

This is my experience from the lab on Monday. The lady couldn't find a vein after stabbing me three times in the left arm, so she switched to the right arm. I have sweet bruises now, awesome.


DJ said...

Good Luck Carrie! I'll be thinking of you. I hope they figure something out and that you will be back to feeling good ALL the time! Nothing worse than frequent pain and no the same time I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. You're awesome, Care. I love you! Hang in there and Get Well Soon.

Francis Family said...

I have had so many bad experiences with getting blood done it's ridiculous! But thats a story for another time. Well good luck with your surgery I hope they find out whats going on. It's like you want to be healthy and fine but at the same time, whats wrong right? Hopefully it's an easy fix for you! Keep us updated!

The Dudleys said...

Good Luck Carrie! I'll be thinking about you. I hope they figure out what is wrong so you aren't in pain anymore. Keep us updated and let me know if there is anything me or Tyler can do for you.

the fellers said...

it will all be ok! i KNOW it...good luck, i will be thinking about you tomorrow....

Christal said...

oh my heck I know exactly how you feel I've had ovarian cysts 7 times 6 of which ruptured and sent me into emergency surgery to have them removed. All of which were compared to the size of various fruits nice eh! It isn't fun especially when you want a baby so bad and your always in for cysts then they usually always put me in maternity to recover! nice one eh!
People who have had babies and cysts before say its a lot like labor IT HURTS! nice eh! I know your pain and you are not a wuss at all it is horrible to have! I haven't had one for almost three years since I started some "natural pills" for a quack chiropractor but I think they really do work! If you want the info on them sometime lmk! Hope all goes good ! Hopefully they will get things figured out its never fun thats for sure! so good luck I'll be thinking of you ! ttys

Andy said...

I hope everything went okay... I'll be thinking of you and hoping that you are recovering quickly.