Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 years ago today

A few weeks ago my friend Dawna posted about the anniversary of her engagement to her husband, and since mine was so close, it got me thinking about it as well. January 29, 2007 is also another quite important day to remember because that's the day my best friend Lindsay had her little boy Beckett. So I'm pretty sure I won't ever forget this day. Here's our story:

Nick and I met in September 2006 just 16 days after I got home from my mission. I'd planned a 5 day trip to come up to Edmonton to visit some old roomates and just have fun after getting home. I met Nick at a party the second day I was here, and we hit it off right away. I remember thinking he was so cute, and he ended up giving me a ride home that night. We sat outside in his truck and talked for like an hour and a half he was so easy to talk to. He asked me out on a date two days later, and I ended up extending my trip a few more days. By the end of the next weekend, we'd hung out every day, and we kissed on my last night here ;) He was the first (and only) boy I kissed after my mission, and the only boy I dated. The rest is history.

On one of our first dates

When I came home from my mission I hadn't decided yet what I wanted to do with my future. I'd thought of moving back up to Edmonton to work as a Dental Assistant,but I was leaning towards doing something totally different, and I was going to head down to LDS Business College in Salt Lake and take Interior Design. After a couple weeks trying to decide what to do, Nick came down to Cardston to visit for a weekend and I was convinced. I figured I might as well take a leap of faith and see if the relationship would go anywhere. So I packed up and moved up to Edmonton at the end of October.

I guess you could say ours was a whirlwind romance because of how fast it all happened, because within three weeks of my moving to Edmonton, Nick was talking serious. Yes, he a boy, brought it all up first. He asked me nonchalontly where I saw myself in the spring, say April. I was all flushed, and didn't want to be the first one to actually say serious things like engagement, we hadn't even said, "I love you" yet. But after a few minutes I said, "I don't know, maybe engaged?". And like it was no big deal (I'm telling you this guy had no fear) he said, " Oh really, I thought more like we'd be married by then." I was pretty happy, because it was nice to know straightforward, how he felt. The next month or so we danced around not actually saying " I love you" but tiptoeing around the subject. I guess we were both scared to be first, though I don't really know why, since we'd already had that talk about marriage back in November.

Nick and I at the end of November 2006

December 27, 2006 Nick was down visiting me during Christmas break, and we'd been invited to Blair & Kassidy Watkins' wedding. I'd never been to a wedding in the temple, so that was a great experience for me to be sitting there by Nick holding his hand in the serenity of the temple. I remember feeling how right everything felt and being excited for it to happen for us. That night after the reception we were driving in a snowstorm out to Glenwood to visit friends, and we got talking about how great the day had been. About how wonderful it had felt to be sitting in the temple together, and then, he told me for the first time that he loved me. I'm such a cheeseball, but that was such a great moment for me. I really felt content with life, and with my love for him. We came back after Christmas break and did some ring shopping, and then it was a little waiting game for me.
Nick and I at Blair & Kassidy's wedding reception

I obviously knew the proposal was coming soon because we'd picked out a ring I liked, and it had to get sized to fit me. Nick did trick me though and told me it was supposed to be finished a few days later than it was. On January 29, 2007 we both had taken the day off of work so we could go sit in line to get a passport. This was right when they'd changed the policy of having to have a passport to fly to the US, so it was madness. We got up at 3:30am, and were in line before 4:30 - and we weren't even close to the front! Some people had been there all night! Anyways, we ended up being there until 2:30pm so needless to say when we left we were TIRED! We got back to Nick's parent's house, and there was a note on the door for me with a clue. They led me around the house to other little clues, a big boquet of roses, and then to a little box. In Nick's room with us in our sweats and hoodies, tired from being up so early, Nick got down on his knee and asked me to be his wife. :) Since it was the middle of the day and everyone we knew was pretty much still at work, we didn't even call anyone. It was like it was only our special news just for a few hours. We ate a quick lunch and then had a 4 hour nap! When I woke up, we called family and friends and told everyone the good news.

Freshly Engaged!

I can't believe it's already been 2 years since we got engaged! Time has been flying by so quickly, and I have loved every minute of it, the good with the bad, the happy and the sad. Nick is an amazing husband and I love him so much. He is truly my best friend, and I am so grateful to have him in my life and to know that we can be together forever. I can't wait to add to our family, and to experience all that life has to offer us together.

Our wedding day April 7, 2007 (Two months and one week after being engaged)


DJ said...

I love it Carrie. That was such a sweet story and post. I love that picture of the two of you freshly look so happy. I can tell that you are!

Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

ok, here's a dumb thing - I can't read some parts of your posts! Your blog lists seem to overlap the right side and it cuts off the words. Does that make sense? It's probably just me and my lovely computer. I did get the jist of your post, and it's fun to look back at your time together. I agree with what Dawna said - that picture of you guys freshly engaged is awesome!

Scott and Tara said...

I don’t think I have ever really heard your dating/engagement story! It’s very cute! Happy 2 years!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute together. I'm enjoyini keeping up with your life together. Hope all goes well with you.I love your music too. Love Lorraine

Ellen said...

Loved the post! so sweet - I also had never heard your dating/engagement story :)