Sunday, November 16, 2008

By November 15th!

Guess what I did this weekend.........? Lots and lots of shopping! Nick's sister, Alysha, and I got together Saturday morning about 9:30am and went Christmas shopping. I had already picked up a few gifts when we were down in Utah last month so I haven't been feeling too pressed to get more yet, but I had the day off and she wanted to shop so I went. I was expecting to get a few things, but I totally lucked out and ended up finding almost everything I needed! We came home around 5pm and decided we might as well wrap them, since we didn't have anything better to do. I was feeling so accomplished and in shopping fever, I decided to go back out on Saturday morning. I was successful in rounding up the last few gifts and I am officially done my Christmas shopping. Even the stocking stuffers. And. its. all. wrapped. By November 15th. Whoo Hoo! Sorry, I just had to brag a little :) Here's a picture of our spoils:


Scott and Tara said...

Wow wee! Nice work Carrie. You are amazing, i have a total of only one gift bought so far and i bought it back in July.

the fellers said... are good! Ok...I am going to be really busy while I am there, the wedding is Friday AND then a reception Saturday in Calgary, so I will be around Friday night and Sunday morning...I fly out Sunday dad's or something...

DJ said...

Wow, Carrie, you guys are the coolest. The wrapping looks professional too! Good for you both. I'm just starting to get in to the Christmas mode this week. I hope you and Nick are doing great and Edmonton isn't too cold yet! You are in Edmonton still right?? Are you working in a dental office??