Monday, August 29, 2011

Little love

Can we all agree that the above picture is one of the cutest you've ever seen? Nick was holding Nixon reading him a book and since Nixon was sitting so quietly, I thought I'd see what he'd do if I put Emmy on his lap. To say he loved it would be a major understatement! He was so soft and tender holding her, and couldn't stop smiling. He sure loves his little sister! He has definitely taken more of an interest in Emmy lately and it's nice that he is starting to understand how to be gentle. He is always coming up to whoever is holding her and leaning in to kiss her. Then when we ask for a kiss of our own, he just leans over and kisses her again. It's pretty cute. The funny thing is that his "kiss" is open mouthed and he only touches you with his bottom lip (and usually a bit of drool too). haha

kissing her arm ;)

clapping because I praised him for being gentle

she even looks cool while she sleeps


Jill said...

e has changed so much and n looks like you in the clapping pic! can't wait to see them soon:)

the fellers said... sweet!

ashley b said...

Oh my! Your kiddos are so cute. That first picture of them is too cute for words.

Kristyn said...

Nixon's smile is the best ever. Love it. Glad he is enjoying his cutie of a sister!! Hope you are doing well!

Kay said...

I love Nixon's face in the first pic...hilarious and so cute, and I am glad he is showing so much interest in Emmy now! Emmy and Andie have matching outfits!