Saturday, March 5, 2011


There haven't been a whole lot of exciting things going on around here and I guess that's why I haven't done a regular update in awhile. As I was going through my camera and uploading pictures I realized that I did in fact have quite a few things to say about one handsome little guy in particular. Nixon will be 10 months old next week, and I can't believe how fast time is flying by. He is growing and changing every single day - and I thought I better record some of my thoughts before I forget them. I wrote them as a letter to Nixon and plan on including it in his book.

(Just 'bustin a move' on Brielle - she doesn't look too impressed...)

I just wanted to share with you a few of the things I've noticed as you grow and develop and become less of a baby, and more of a little boy. You are quite the character and we love having you around and watching you discover the world around you.

I was worried that since our house only has laminate flooring, it would be too slippery and you would have a hard time learning to crawl. Not the case. At around 7 months old you started to do a little scooch and drag. You lay on your stomach and using just your forearms you drag yourself around. Sometimes you kick your legs excitedly and look like you are swimming, and other times your legs just look like dead weight. Who knows... maybe you'll learn to get your knees up under you and crawl 'properly', or maybe you'll just go straight to walking.

You love to scratch your little fingers/nails against any surface very lightly, just to hear the sound it makes. Every time I pick you up, you scratch my shoulder and to me it feels like a little sign of affection - like you are patting my back or something. I LOVE it.

Because you were so tall, and weighed enough we were able to switch your car seat to front facing at only 8 months. I love being able to turn around and see your smiling face and your little legs happily kicking as they hang over your new, bigger car seat.

At 9 months you got really sick for the first time. It started with a fever and teething, and ended up with you having a double ear infection and a chest infection. For a few days you were so sad and cuddly, and only wanted to be held. Even though we loved having you sleeping in our arms again, we were so glad when the antibiotics kicked in and you were back to your happy, busy, mischievous self again.

When Grandma Jeannie & Grandpa Ron were here visiting, you taught yourself how to pull yourself to standing for the first time, so we were very surprised when we went in to get you from a nap and you were practically hanging over the edge of your crib! Time to move the mattress down...

You get in to everything. Now that you can pull yourself up, you love to pull anything and everything onto the floor. The DVD shelves are your favorite and at least twice a day I am picking them up and putting them away so I can walk from our kitchen to the living room without stepping all over them. You can also reach the bottom two shelves of the bookshelf and have learned to pull quickly - to cause as much mess as you can before we notice and pull you away.

When we catch you getting in to something we tell you to stop and you turn your head towards us, smile and laugh, and then go back to what you were doing. Little stinker!

You have definitely discovered how to use your voice and love to just laugh, yell, grunt and make all sorts of noises. It's funny to look over at you and see your face, with your nose all scrunched up, your mouth wide open, and your two little bottom front teeth poking out.

(This picture of Bennett makes me laugh so hard, because
it's SUCH a facial expression Kay would do! haha)

You love being the center of attention, and have started to resent the fact that you are on the floor when us grownups are walking around, or sitting way up at the table. You are now constantly 'under foot' when I'm in the kitchen, literally pulling on my pant legs and climbing all over my feet. You love to sit at the table with us and grab at whatever we're doing, or mooch food from us.

You are adorable, and we love you so much. Everyone is always telling us how handsome you are - that they love your beautiful blue eyes, your shiny blonde hair and your rosy red cheeks. We are so grateful to have you in our lives and love the happy spirit that you bring into our home.

We love you, love Mama & Daddy


Leslie said...

aw he is so cute. i loved reaing this post all about nixon!

Jill said...

Awww, I love the pic with his mouth hanging open. He looks so different and older than last time i saw him! I love Kay Jr, and also the pic of him pulling the books off the bookshelves-reminds me of D. And congrats on your new news!! Mom told me-so call me soon!!

ashley b said...

Nixon is growing up so fast! I can't believe how big he looks in his new car seat. I also love the one of him and Bennett especially the matching pjs. So cute!!

Kay said...

I loved this post! I loved when Nixon was just starting to scoot an looked like a merman moving. I too love his big blues and chubby red cheeks, makes me so excited to see what the next one will look like! Love the pic of Bennett and him in their PJ's cute!

Nadia and Jarom Phillips said...

What a perfect post idea! I loved every bit of it! I couldnt help but sit and think about Vienna at that age. They sure do grow up fast! I wish i had thought about writing personal letters for V and putting them in a book! Such a smart mom you are!
He really is adorable! He has the cutest smile!
Seriouslly loved loved LOVED that post!