Monday, July 12, 2010

Saskatchewan Wedding

Nick's cousin, Kaitlyn got married on June 19th, so we made the road trip over there to support them and celebrate with all of Nick's extended family. I was finally able to meet some of Nick's favorite cousins, and get to know some of his other relatives better. It was a beautiful day and everything went well. We got our first family picture of the three of us, and I love it. Everyone thought Nixon was adorable in his cute outfit and mini tie (even though it was still huge on him).

The wedding party during the ceremony

The happy couple: Kaitlyn & Bryan

Nick & Nixon outside the church after the wedding

Nixon striking a pose

Alysha & Tyler at the reception

The maid of honor Kalli and her sister Kaitlyn the bride

Grandma Teressa with Nixon and Grandma Irene with Sabine

Vincent was so cute, always wanting to hold Nixon and be his buddy

Bryan, Joey and Nick at the reception

Our little family at the end of the night with one
tuckered out little boy

One night at the motel I looked down at Nixon while feeding him his bottle, and this is what I saw. Interesting...

I bought this cute outfit a couple years ago, and I love it so much because it's Africa! Nixon wore this the day after the wedding to a family brunch / birthday breakfast for Teressa

with all of Nick's "Calgary cousins"
Bryan, Lisa, Sabine, us, Irene, Kristin, Julie, Thomas, Joey, Jack

Nick's parents, Neil & Teressa.
It was also Teressa's 50th birthday that day


Kay said...

oh I miss lil Nixon he has gotten so much chubbier...sooo cute! I love chubby cheeks. Can't wait to hold him soon!

Nadia and Jarom Phillips said...

love the pictures! Aren't family get togethers so much fun?!
Oh my goodness Nixon is sooooo stinkin cute! I love the african outfit... he looks gangster with his sneakers! I can't get over his cuteness! You did good!!!

The Oregon Tale said...

BAHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA to the picture where you looked down to see Nixon "flipping you the bird". What the? He's got Nick's sassy pants attitude already!!

the fellers said...

Nixon is such a chub! What a cutie! Cant wait to see him in a couple of weeks...looks like you have had a lot of fun, cant wait to see Echo pics!