Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Attempt

Even though my life can be boring, and Nick detests getting his picture taken, I knew it was only a matter of time before  I started a blog of our own. Hopefully I can convince him to enjoy my love of pictures more so we can show you what we're up to. Mostly I'm excited to not have to link to other people's blogs through my friend's blogs.  Does that make me sound lazy? Ohwell, I'll just be more time efficient this way. Well, I'm feeling a little like I'm rambling, and I've only written a few sentences so I think I'll stop for now. Hopefully I'll get used to this blogging thing, and documenting all the happenings of our life.


Kate said...


DJ said...

Carrie! I had no idea you started a blog--I just barely found you thru Vinnie's blog! It looks like you had an awesome summer with lots of family trips and fun stuff!!
I love Montana too--that was the extent of our vacationing this year. Lots of camping etc. It's tradition in the Jensen fam to rent a cabin at Lake blaine and stay for a week--sadly it booked up too fast for us to get in this year and we missed that!!
Anyway I hope you and Nick are doing awesome and life is treating you great.
I'm excited that you have this blog for the rest of us to keep up to date on your little life up north :)
Love you! Dawna